2.14 - (21.08.2024) - #17035: Mark inactive users on Accounts - #18502: Detailed Overview > Download XLSX with selected columns & filters - #18603: Remove notification button for user without access to notification center - #18621: 500 error after subscribe to notifications for specific accounts - #18629: 500 error for edit/view QA report if risk was deleted from Project Risks - #18691: Detailed overview > change column name - #18706: [TEX] Gated Checkins > improvements 2.13 - (31.07.2024) - #18487: Account > Add ability to export - #18425: Tex status > improvements - #18408: [User Notifications] > Redesign > Part 2 - #12071: Measurements page > adjustments (new UI) - #18265: Risk Closure Form - #18494: Accounts > Add filter for Basic Technology - #18496: Detailed Overview > Add Industry filters - #18500: Update Placeholders for "Select One Option" and "Select One Or Several Options" - #18504: Basic Technologies field > Remove duplications - #18511: Accounts > Industry filter mismatch and inconsistency 2.12.5 - (16.07.2024) - #18512: Account sync with Legal Portal is broken 2.12.4 - (09.07.2024) - #18472: Create project > 500 error - #18447: [OLD] user with only account manager role is not able to see any info - #Fixed error message for reset password 2.12.3 - (05.07.2024) - #18367 > added ms-word tags removing. - #18458 > modified regex for br html tag. - #18468 > changed paragraph tag from div to p. Added removing span tags and p surrounding a list. - #18474 > updated BaseEditor to remove unnecessary content. 2.12.2 - (21.06.2024) - #18340: [API] Replace OrgUnitId from internal id to external - #Added healthcheck command, job and route. - #Fixed typo in byProjectAndUser scope. 2.12.1 - (20.06.2024) - #Fixed issue with wrong ordering of datables during copying database. 2.12 - (19.06.2024) - #17919: New DB creation for new instance - #17733: [User Notifications] > Redesign - #18222: Project status report > change textareas on WYSIWYG editor component - #17855: Rework Public API - #17792: User Import from a File - #17787: Frontend User Management (Adding and Removing Users) - #17705: Team Planning adjustments - #17654: PMTOOL > ETS Sync - #17651: Create/edit project form > new UI + enhancements - #17063: Notifications: add new event triggers for project parameter changes - #18030: UI Redesign > header with My Tasks 2.11 - (17.04.2024) - #17507: Close-out report - #17163: UI changes Project Details > view form - #17015: Assessments > Show assessments result on Dashboard overview - #17475: Make 'Tasks' connected to real entities 2.10.2 - (21.03.2024) - # fixed filtering by business type and industry on accounts page. - # fixed decline project flow. - # fixed filtering by business type and industry on accounts page. - # Fixed accounts sync 2.10.1 - (20.03.2024) - # Fixed sorting on accounts listing 2.10 - (20.03.2024) - #17243: Save a new Checklist redirects to 404 non found page - #17246: Decline Submitted Assessment points to 500 error - #17248: Submit Assessment action works on the second click on the button - #17249: User can reopen an Assessment with deleted check list - #17469: Completed Assessment with TEX check list can be edited - #17472: Risks export adjustments - #17480: User should not be able to open an Assessment with deleted check list - #17484: Pagination control appears on the TODO templates list with 1 item - #17488: There is no Confirmation pop up when user deletes a task in a Template - #17503: Emails -> Remove Laravel template in emails - #17512: Change email notification - #17540: Project task for VP Approver is in an HTML format. 2.9.1 - (01.03.2024) - #17170: Create AM Report button is not available for AM and VP (dependency should be investigated) 2.9 - (28.02.2024) - #16563: Close tasks automatically after project approved/declined - Copy - #16715: Tebin > AM manager does not match on Account and Project - #16717: Tebin > Filtration by VP is not successfully on Detailed overview - #16792: Switch ability to sync accounts from LP to API manager - #Story 16846: AC: Assessments > add field type to the checklist - #16990: Edit Project > 500 error (there is no VP for project) - #17009: Correct project statuses if approval flow is disabled - #17053: Approve project > 500 error - #17057: Setting all existing checklists to default type - #17082: [API] Server Error , Limits - #17104: Department coordinator is not able to read AM Reports - #17122: [API] DPS > Assessments error on dev server 2.8.3 - (20.02.2024) - #16715: Tebin > AM manager does not match on Account and Project - #16717: Tebin > Filtration by VP is not successfully on Detailed overview - #16990: Edit Project > 500 error (there is no VP for project) - #17009: Correct project statuses if approval flow is disabled 2.8.2 - (16.02.2024) - #Pull Request 2272: hotfix > sync accounts - #16979: Wrong 'share' in old assessment evaluations 2.8.1 - (15.02.2024) - #Make matomo script async - #Fixed state visualization for non-configurable metrics. - #Disabled analytic for production 2.8 - (13.02.2024) - #12259: Evidence > Create form for second evidence contains text from previous created evidance - #12264: Evidence text field does not have limitation > it lids to 500 error - #16489: UX > New questions should be added to Assessment after click on save question (not for click on save all assessment) - #16520: Metric value is duplicated > two metric items are created at the same day - #16556: Create blank report doesn't work - #16484: Add assessments for review to 'My tasks' - #16585: Update 'notification email' field - #16607: VP value is not shown on Detailed Overview table - #16640: Accounts > Support > AMs and VPs not being able to see their Accounts. - #16669: [API] Need to adjust statuses for the projects in the API Manager - #16675: Update API for datatable - #16678: Update email templates - #16690: [API] AccountId Change type - #16726: Assessment deletion is broken - #16730: Give an admin possibility to leave comments - #16743: Assessment > Use Red highlighting for row with Assessment Couducting page - #16756: Checklist creation > read only - #16832: Create project > 500 error - #16833: User not able to publish/ unpablish assessment after click on Publish button on the grid - #16836: Download risks in xls & csv> Add bold text column names and borders to the table - #16837: Download risks in xls & csv > Add project name and date of creation to the Risks file name - #16838: Add New Question button is not available in Create Assessment page - #16840: Replace scorr for Non-Applicable questions from 100% to null - #16845: Create Project > 500 error after click on Run Project (second case) - #16849: Create Checklist > There are no preset values for Checklist evaluation - #16851: 500 error after click on Save Draft for checklist if notification email is filled - #16860: Change initial coloring behaviour for assessments - #16865: Title for create assessment task is not clear - #16866: Set all email templates in one style - #16872: Assessments > Completion Date is not shown on the Review Assessment page - #16875: Assessments > Crucial assessments> Non Applicable answer for Crucial assessment move evaluation to Red status - #16879: Pagination on Checklist Management page shows only 1 page - #16883: Assessment set up > valuse in the fields are not shown on Review Assessment Page - #16884: Assessments > Disable email field for publish mode 2.7.3 - (12.02.2024) - #16928: [API] Errors with limits 2.7.2 - (31.01.2024) - #16607: VP value is not shown on Detailed Overview table - #16640: Accounts > Support > AMs and VPs not being able to see their Accounts. 2.7.1 - (22.01.2024) - #13247: Evaluation for assessments are changed if calculation settings was edited - #16539: Assessments > Assessment cant be found by Assessment number in email. User is redirected to Assessments page (should be redirected to Specific Assessment page) - #16555: Measurements are not deleted if report is deleted - #Disabled debug mode during running tests, fixed failed tests. 2.7 - (11.01.2024) - #16572: Assessments improvements - #Fixed problem with filtering by AM - #16474: User can't remove account - #16593: If 'Not applicable' - ignore crucial - #16568: Broken layout in the notification letter 2.6.1 - (07.12.2023) - #9343: Email notification changes - #9342: Add project creation date - #9305: Issue with email notifications - #9259: Import data from Project Charter to PMTOOL - #9258: Back button > previous (first)page cant be open for resubmitted assesment 2.6 - (23.11.2023) - #8569: [PM Tool as a Master system] Advanced filters - #9036: Accounts > Use Account status on AM Dashboard 2.5.3 - (15.11.2023) - #8610: Assessments > Side bar menu move back after click on Project assessment / Findings button - #8614: Assessments > findings > UI > center columns names by left side - #8993: Assessments > UI for Select Assessment> Add space to the field names - #9106: Comment fields in findings does not have validation - #9220: Account manager (Oleksandr Balyuk) does not have access to the Account Pharmatheus AB - #9259: Import data from Project Charter to PMTOOL - #9262: Several same projects are created after multi click on the save button 2.5.2 - (08.11.2023) - #9193: Error after sync account Pharmetheus - #9196: Enh > Remove notification pop from report - #9198: DA project > 500 error after view Status Report 2.5.1 - (25.10.2023) - #9001: Add the ability for CMD to manually change evaluations for old imported assessments. - #8369: [DEV] Import Security checklists - #9184: Add confirm message for decline/ approve/ assessments - #9168: Remove Save and Cancel icon from comment field - #9166: Permissions > Add access to project assessments for PM, DLM, AM, VP, Coordinator - #9157: Save comments automatcally - #9135: After each answer remove pop-up from center of screen - #9136: Add near save a cancel button to discard made changes - #9129: Show assessment result by pressing assessment name - #9131: All action for assessment add to actions menu (view, submit ...) - #9132: Edit assessment - email field remove - #9081: Upgrade System 8 > 9 version 2.5 - (11.10.2023) - #7736: Improvement > add drop down to the Responsible field in risk template - #8029: Risk improvements > 1) add risk creation date 2) rename field "Date"> follow up date 3) add numeric ordered for the risk grid in reports (Status and QA) + date in edit report - #8118: Notifications for account > List with accounts is not full for admin role - #8531: Add N/A value for TEX and other statuses if they was not reported due project model - #8583: Sorting by Account Name on Detailed Overview page is not work correctly - #8589: Highlite place holder in grey non contrast color in Project/Account create form - #8859: Sync users by Button or automatically are not successfully - #8599: [PM Tool as a Master system] Project approval 2.4.8 - (27.09.2023) - #9078: Deleted user do not have access to the PM Tool 2.4.7 - (20.09.2023) - #7694: Replace PDF to Word file for PMP reports 2.4.6 - (13.09.2023) Bug 8938: Edit project > 422 error Bug 8946: VP Manager cant be change correctly 2.4.5 - (09.08.2023) - #8671: Create Form for Status Report is not shown for DOXP3 project (blank page is shown)( Shelestiuk, Maryna ) - #8632: Filters > After using filtration for the fields that support chips (or tags) the values in the field is not shown - #8565: Remove Old UI Version of PM Tool - #8693: Support> Fix issue with sync of new user with new position - #8695: PMP > Budget section bug - #8465: Add Active, Inactive, Closed settings to the Projects Create/ Edit Form - #8459: Replace SUBMIT RESULTS button to the right side - #8420: Add to assessment button save and close to save assessment and proceed later - #8220: Improvements > Assessments & Checklists > Conducting an assessment > Add "Next" "Previous" button to Conducting modal window for moving to next page - #8416: In assessment make for non-applicable, partially applicable, and non-compliant answer comment is mandatory. - #8423: Add to assessments ability to reopen and duplicate - #8421: Make view assessments result inactive until it is not completed - #8424: Add to create assessment form email field in order to send assessments status to certain email address - #8495: [DEV] System notifications > notification alerts - #8566: Accounts > actualize statuses | Add stasus field for edit popup 2.4.4 - (19.07.2023) - #8538: Metric value is shown in wrong format on Project Overview - #8218: [DEV] Department management - #8480: [DEV] Permissions > refactoring - #8519: Changes in Create / Edit form - #6231: Side bar menu> Side bar menu is returned to previous page if user click on Department catalog, Maintenance message or Risc categories pages 2.4.3 - (12.07.2023) - #8477: [PROD] > Edit Project > Remove validation from Edit form, allow to use special characters in project code 2.4.2 - (05.07.2023) - #8310: Alert icon for project with "Client Complaint" status is not shown on dashboards - #8380: Remove validation from TEX field in Status report - #8412: The compliance manager must be able to approve the assessment no matter in what way he reaches the assessment result page. - #8413: Create new endpoints for API for statuses, types of assessments, projects, findings and BU - #8321: AM and DM managers are not assigned to new Project - #8323: Create project>Overview page refactoring - #8392: Idea Soft > Create form > Values are not available in drop downs - #8440: Ideasoft > Reset password link doesn't work 2.4.1 - (14.06.2023) - #8360: Edit project for external customers > 500 error for edit form 2.4 - (07.06.2023) - #8219: [UTOOL] API > 401 error - #8226: [DPS] API > List of PMP - #8309: IdeaSoft > Change logo - #8049: [PM Tool As a master system] Create Account - #8082: Create project > Development - #8083: Projects page refactoring - #8134: Assessment name for completed assessment can be changed to another - #8171: PO Request > Project code should be a hyperlink to Project Overview page. (it is a rule for all system parts) - #8172: PO Request > Rename Assessments page > Review Assessments page - #8173: PO Request > Assessments name should be a link to assessment view page - #8174: PO Request > Filter in "Assessment review" page > Submitted assessments should be shown by default for Approver - #8175: PO Request > Add Assessment approver name to Assessment details page and Assessments review table - #8176: PO Request > Add Show Completed checkbox to the Assessments review page filter (Changed to multiselect) - #8179: Create ability to setup Readines checklict - #8225: Filters > "All" value for "Project state" filter in all pages does not show any results 2.3.8 - (24.05.2023) - #8225: Filters > "All" value for "Project state" filter in all pages does not show any results - 8103: Assessment conducting > add tooltip that saved answers are shown if user conduct part of assessment, close it and open again. - 8134: Assessment name for completed assessment can be changed to another - 8175: PO Request > Add Assessment approver name to Assessment details page and Assessments review table - 8176: PO Request > Add Show Completed checkbox to the Assessments review page filter - 8174: PO Request > Filter in "Assessment review" page > Submitted assessments should be shown by default for Approver - 8173: PO Request > Assessments name should be a link to assessment view page - 8172: PO Request > Rename Assessments page > Review Assessments page - 8171: PO Request > Project code should be a hyperlink to Project Overview page. (it is a rule for all system parts) 2.3.7 - (17.05.2023) - #8145: Create new project > 500 error - #8140: Sync PMP via API - #8179: Create ability to setup Readines checklict 2.3.6 - (10.05.2023) - #6106: "Actions items" section> Issue with "DataTables warning". - #7456: Improvement > I am as a PM want to add my own type of non-billable investment to the "Includes non-billable investments for ..." section - #8073: [EHUB] API issues with ability to get project for specific employee - #8086: Checklist description > When checklist is chosen for specific project system shall display checklist description from Checklist management page. - #8112: QA dashboard table error - #8087: Permissions > Assessments results page is available for PM, QA and below - #8101: I am as approver (admin or approver) want to be able to approve assessment from Project assessment page - #8102: Assessments evaluation page should be available for Users with access to specific projects. 2.3.5 - (03.05.2023) - #7948: Replace SPM role to DLM role on Project Overview - #7710: Pipline PM_Migrate doesn't work PHP 8.1 - #8073: [EHUB] API issues with ability to get project for specific employee 2.3.4 - (26.04.2023) - #7735: Risk creation / edit >Data in "Responsible" field in risk form is changed to last editor username automatically after saving - #5021: QA Report > naming convention for release fields - #7980: QA reports storage > Overview text with special characters is not shown in the grid. - #7916: Milestones: Text after special characters "(" is not saved - #7948: Bugfix > Replace SPM role to DLM role on Project Overview 2.3.3 - (12.04.2023) - #7793: Defect correction - #7794: Defect correction - #7795: Defect correction 2.3.2 - (05.04.2023) - #7871: IdeaSoft > Tebin logo is shown in Status Report download - #7872: IdeaSoft > Links for Sigma internal portals are not removed from sidebar menu - #7873: ideaSoft > release pipline doesn't work - #7874: Metrics names and units are not predifined - #7875: Ideasoft > Project tasks cant be created > 404 error - #7878: Assessments functional> clarify, should it be hidden? - #7849: [CVG] Api offset doesn't work correctly - #7891: Reset filter button does not nullify filter results - #7807: 403 error for access for user yuriy.syniak@sigma.software - #7747: Filters checkboxes > All checkboxes in the filters are checked by default 2.3.1 - (29.03.2023) - #7281: Update background of the charts, so that user can see all color section - #7308: Sorting icons are not aligned in all tables - #7415: Improvements > measurements > add decimal to the metric units - #7489: Improvements > Side bar menu > Pin menu function 2.3 - (22.03.2023) - #7242: Assessments & Checklists > Appointment and adjustment - #7244: Assessments & Checklists > Conducting an assessment - #7250: Assessments & Checklists > Review assessment page - #7253: Assessments & Checklists > Assessment approval - #7258: Assessments & Checklists > Findings 2.2.6 - (14.03.2023) - #7709: 500 error when opening qa reports - #7740: 500 error for user elena.ozerova@sigma.software in access to project - #7741: User artem.kashubskyi@sigma.software > 500 error in access to the project - #7739: Team planning >500 error for some projects 2.2.5 - (01.03.2023) - #6221: [DEV] Upgrade System - #7626: PMTOOL API > 500 error - #7396: TEX status > there is no gray color trend for Tex Status that was not updated during 60 days in Status Report storage - #6297: First Status cant be shown. (Issue with first trend pointer) - #7644: PMP > issue with download report for DOXP3 project 2.2.4 - (08.02.2023) - #7285: Measurements > Previous value is not shown in Edit Status report and folloving metric is not shown in Read report if saved value for following metric is null - #7110: Add possibility to create new `non figure` metric type - #7455: PMP > Testing practice name are not match in Create form and View/Download - #7432: PMP report > some sections are not shown in view and download - #6899: PMP > PMP icon is not shown for projects on Dashboard overview even if PMP contain filled data - #7390: [DEV] EHUB endpoint - #7518: PMP > PMP Report cant be downloaded (server error) - #7520: PMP > Some sections are not shown in view mode. 2.2.3 - (25.01.2023) - #7334: Issue with sync milestones - #7283: Edit metric > Pointer ">" is not visible in edit metric mode is logic is the less is better - #7304: Issue with sync accounts - #7145: Fix issue with TEX status on Prod 2.2.2 - (11.01.2023) - #7108: Add possibility to create custom metric name - #7109: Add new metric type (wiki) and group them - #7236: Add memory limitations for projects ( 20 Mb ) - #7273: Improvement > Measurements > Icons in Edit metrics mode is not obvious > change Cancel icon appear in edit mode - #7274: Improvements > Measurements > It is not obvious how to create custom metric > add placeholder or tooltip - #7286: Metrics > "Estimate at Completion" metric is missed in dropdown for create metric - #6246: Improvement: Project overview > metric visualization > We need to add trend color and make trend change more highlighted - #7111: The color of the metric on the chart must match the color of the trend. 2.2.1 - (04.01.2023) - #7203: Risks cant be created (500 error) for VAP project (notification) - #7193: Status report > alert message is not shown and user is not focused on Trend area if user trend is not chosen and user click Save button. - #7209: PMP > Communication section cant be updated (422 error) if contact person fields air not filled - #7204: Tebin > critical bug with edit project - #7205: Update nginx/php config files on prod 2.2.0 - (28.12.2022) - #6619: Project Documentation - #7165: Change flow of updating trend of status report - #7179: Improvement > Add Christmas animation (show) to all pages - #6881: Fix the Footer to the bottom of the pages 2.1.6 - (14.12.2022) - #5301: Risk creation>Risk state is close and Responsible person name is not added to field by default for second created risk - #6350: Risk filter settings in Project risks cant be nullified by reset filter button - #6908: Status report , QA Report > Risk cant be deleted from report in Edit mode - #6982: add additional categories for risk - #7045: [DEV] improve ability to get TEX status from new tex - #7049: CR > Transfer "Set Metric" link from Project overview to Project measurement tracking page - #7061: Risk category can be created without group - #7071: Move delete bottom to edit pop-up for remove category - #6986: PAge for manage risk categories - #7065: Create risk> Group name and category name cant be changed, added, deleted for UI (Risk register, project risk, reports) 2.1.5 - (07.12.2022) - #6910: Improvements from Artem > Use container-fluid as the first block, then we do not need other similar classes. - #6911: Improvements from Artem > Improve layout in header where “breadcrumbs” and “Search input” by suggestions (1-4 points in document) - #Story 6179: Tables with date are fixed - #Story 6940: Draft report > add draft for several reports. - #6936: 500 error if metric doesn't exist - #6177: Wrong text status for metrics in metric download list - #6975: Change download icon for metric - #7003: [DevOps] Add ability to reset cache after deploy to stage & prod - #6350: Risk filter settings in Project risks and Risk Register cant be nullified by reset filter button - #6985: Add ability to choose multiplie items for Risk category in filters - (01.12.2022) - #6982: added additional categories for risks 2.1.4 - (23.11.2022) - #6845: Status report improvements - #6401: PMP report is not visible for users with Read permissions (Delivery supervisor, Test manager, Account manager, Project team) - #6817: PMP > Doubling fields in export file (Project deliverables wrote twice) - #6876: PMP , Permission > Rors with Read PMP able to open edit PMP form but get a 403 error after save updates - #5222: User not able t to save the changes made in the following fields of EXPECTATIONS AND CONSTRAINTS section (PLD project) - #6634: [Support] ability to save report data automatically - #6820: PMP> Updates data in report cant be saved if user creating section and make updates without page reload - #6846: Add notification or highlite and redirect to Status Report Trend area if trend is not selected - #6847: Status Report improvements > Add notification message if report contains data in draft (autosave data) - #6906: Status Report >User should set Status Report trend every time when he create new report. Report trend settings by default should be empty. 2.1.3 - (16.11.2022) - #6724: [Tebin] Create project bug - #6725: [TEBIN] Add ability to choose account from account list - #6726: [TEBIN] Bug with reset password - #6730: [TEBIN] fix broken Edit project layout - #6748: Add Alert message if user try to create project with existing GUID - #6772: Reset password > User is redirected from Reset password page. User is not able to change new password - #6775: Reset password Investigate: > Mail delivery problem (letters for next 5 users are not reseived - #6777: [DevOps] Need to add public key for stage env - #6802: Edit project > 500 error if Test engineer is added to project 2.1.2 - (09.11.2022) - #6171: QA Report> 1) View QA Report> Status for report does not have color state - #6586: [DEV] Team planing history - #6635: Status report / QA report> Hidden Risks cant be shown againe in create report mode - #6675: Improvement : There are different view of icons for Hide/ show functions for Risks and Milestones in Status report has a different - #6697: Export History button is not shown if there are no users in current team planning, but there are users in past team planning - # 6698: Improvement: add values names to Team Planning export file 2.1.1 - (25.10.2022) - #6631: [Support]Add offset for api - #6611: Billability FTE values can be removed > there is no validation for Billability FTE fields - #6614: Radiobutton setting does not match with page - #6607: Measurement color for trend has a wrong value 2.1 - (19.10.2022) - #6203: Team planing Improvement - #6269: Mesurement visualization - #6271: Project overview metrics - #6410: [DEV] 1C Project Sync - #6238: PMP> Project overview > Project deliverables section has broken layout in view mode - #6259: PMP> Delete stakeholders > 1) Put right text to notification message 2) update stakeholder table after delete operation - #6239: PMP> Project overview> There is no Project Goals section in view mode - #6600: Error for the some Project overview page, - #6601: Color for trends on Dashboard overview, QA overview, AM Overview show a wrong color and trend, - #6519: Metric visualization page shows old metric diagram if this metric was deleted, - #6400: Naming/ Side menu > Reports block has name Projects - #6268: Reports> Special characters transform to HTML code - #6171: QA Report> 1) View QA Report> Status for report does not have color state 2) report storage> edit icon is not in the line - #6166: Highlighting function in project menu> There is no highlighting for risks, complaints, team planning - #6195: Project overview> set Attention notification. - #6349: Trends on Project Overview are not shown corrctly. Trend cant be changed and show wrong result - #6266: Tooltips> Edit QA Report icon has Share report tooltip - #6511: Improvement : Add Create metric icon on dashboard overview for project 2.0.2 - (05.10.2022) - #6351: Delete date autocomplete for date fields - #6376: AM Manager dont have access to old Account and its reports (denys.nerushev@sigma.software) 2.0.1 - (14.09.2022) - #6173: CR Improvement > Change status names and add tooltips for the status in reports - #6192: Maintenance Messages page and Department Catalog page in Configuration menu is not ready in new design - #6205: Status report> Trend> Without changes trend in create mode is Up trend in dashboard, Trend Up in create mode is Without changes - #6206: Reports> formatting in reports - #6139: Error page for authentification is not ready - #6162: Risk> vizualization> Major risk field should show only risk title. - #6146: Configuration> Notification> 1) Email notification checkbox for accots and projects cant be checked. 2)UI issue> there is no margin between buttons - #6175: Filters in QA report storage is not added - #6163: Status Report> UI issue - #6166: Highlighting function in project menu> There is no highlighting for risks, complaints, team planning - #6186: Risk highlighting in project block is active for canceled risks - #6174: AM Status Report>The block with buttons: save, cancel is missing in the upper right corner in the form - #6118: Status report> {Show hidden} checkbox has a wrong position in case if {Sync } button is shown - #6194: Quality status dashboard> Replace search bar to breadcrumbs line 2.0 - (06.09.2022) - New design - #5745: PMP 1.59 - (27.07.2022) - #2648: Status Report Form Customization - #5722: PMP>List numbering is not shown in View PMP report mode - #5723: PMP report> quality management field in quality management plan section is not saved changes - #5576: Add ability to archive db backup after creating 1.58.1 - (26.07.2022) - #5705: Improve editor for PMP, improve Export to PDF - #5576: Add ability to archive db backup after creating 1.58 - (15.06.2022) - #4986: [Measurements] Measurements tracking page - #4979: [Measurements] Project Measurements Settings - #4983: [Measurements] Add ability to enter actual values for measurements - #5101: 4 new endpoints for PMTOOL API - #5063: Status report/Quality report: After deleting milestones or risks changes are lost - #4743: Localization for dates in tables 1.57.2 - (18.05.2022) - #5077: Improve abilty to sync project using user id instead user email - #5075: [PMTOOL API] Fix ability to work with PMTOOL API - #5074: New status report shows Budget section and Budget ODT section in the same time - #5058: Fix Ability to sync all users - #5063: Status report/Quality report: After deleting milestones or risks changes are lost 1.57.1 - (10.05.2022) - #5007: Support, users and project roles does not sync with 1C 1.57 - (04.05.2022) - #4619: PM To Do - #4753: Create a confirmation pop-up after clicking the close - #4920: Improved ability to sync employees from API manager 1.56.2 - (20.04.2022) - #3110: Single sign-on (SSO) - #4781: Risk filter: Filtration by risk categories is not successful. Request is not sent after filter was seted - #3705: Drop down in email notification settings shows doubling with projects names - #4873: Sorting QA reports: wrong sorting by default after migration. First report in list- report with biggest ID but it is not newest report - nice to have - #4686: [Unit directory] Fixing all PHPUnit Tests for successfully results for each one 1.56.1 - (06.04.2022) - #1295: Tooltips are absent for action items at Status reports page and QA report - #3319: In AM report area "RESTRICTED ACCESS SECTION" is not visible. - #3295: [PMT-01-005] Security. Numerous Broken Access Control via direct object references - #4290: Listing does not work in configuration>Department catalog - #4339: Dashboard -> Detailed Overview requires refactor Datatable - #4340: Dashboard -> AM Status requires refactor Datatable - #4341: Dashboard -> Quality Status requires refactor Datatable - #4342: Dashboard -> Project Information Systems requires refactor Datatable - #4343: Project -> All Projects requires refactor Datatable - #4344: Accounts -> All Accounts requires refactor Datatable - #4345: Accounts -> Am Reports requires refactor Datatable - #4346: All Milestones requires refactor Datatable - #4347: Risk Register requires refactor Datatable - #4348: Client Complaints requires refactor Datatable - #4349: Configuration -> Users requires refactor Datatable - #4350: Configuration -> Department Catalog requires refactor Datatable - #4352: Error in complaint ID and complaint code - #4375: Sorting in AM Reports for some account ( 'Unifled commerce', 'Oneflow AB') - #4410: PMP report. Delete stakeholders function does not works (405 error) - #4489: PROD. Sorting: All reports are sorted incorrectly by default. Wrong order by time of creation. - #4690: PROD Issue in filter settings (logic) in Dashboard> QA Status> sort by Report date 1.56 - (15.03.2022) - #3298: [PMT-01-003] Security. Broken Access Control in "/report-with-token" endpoint - #3386: [PMT-01-006] SQL injection in "/users/filter" endpoint - #3297: [PMT-01-007] Security. Privilegies Escalation via "update.project" endpoint - #4010: Link in Quality status report is not viewed after save - #4424: Incorrect list of Account managers in drop-down. - #4498: After redirect to risks from risk heatmap closed risks are shown. (closed risks is turn on) - #3398: [PMT-01-003] Security. Broken Access Control for qa.report.with.token endpoint - #3410: [DEV][PMT-01-006] SQL injection in "/users/filter" endpoint - #4505: Support. PMP report gets info from another project. Bug need root cause analysis! - #3767: ! Account filter drop down has not "No account" value tooltip. - #4567: QA Report storage can't be shown by all roles (403) - #4491: Project information (Edit project) cant be updated 1.55 - (15.02.2022) - #3270: [PMT-01-004] Security. Stored DOM-based Cross-Site Scripting in "DataTables" data rendering - #3295: [PMT-01-005] Security. Numerous Broken Access Control via direct object references - (21.01.2022) - #4049: Update Pipline CLIENT_HOTFIX - #4117: Migrations hotfix 1.54.2 - (21.12.2021) - #3401: Quality report sharing issue - #3418: TEX status for projects is not transferred from the SharePoint - #3446: Edit Status Report > Added milestones aren't presented in Status Report - #3478: [Localization] Linc to Risks synchronization does not have localization part (UA/EN) - #3495: Delivery Supervision > Project Code filter is empty 1.54.1 - (15.12.2021) - #3461: PM TOOL low performance 1.54 - (07.12.2021) - #1526: Configuration management plan set as a separate system object - #1534: Support of localization of all system - #1575: Assigning department coordinator role to the department - #1746: Permission's update (part 2) - #2685: Update project technical stack. Iteration 2 1.53.6 - (16.11.2021) - #2361: Configuration > Users > Errors for Users with Admin permissions - #2546: DevOps. Dev team requires access to UAT environment - #3060: [SR] DTFPD, DTFPRD projects in PM tool - #3129: [SR] Accesses for new Department Coordinator - #3131: [DevOps] Add new cron job at production 1.53.5 - (27.10.2021) - #1762: Any role - I can receive notifications after being removed from the project / account - #2544: TEX. Remove unused tables in DB - #2597: Detailed overview - AM Status > Filters don't save values in the same fields - #2742: DevOps. Build job PM_FEATURE return errors - #2754: Copy reports, risks,milestones pmp from LPL_OLD to LPL - #2755: Copy reports,risks,milestones,pmp from SSCW OLD to SSCW - #2762: Maintenance functionality - #2796: Console command - Copy reports, risks,milestones pmp from OLD to NEW project - #2838: Sync projects not update department id - #2980: Add link to footer with release notes 1.53.4 - (22.09.2021) - #2638: DB Dump creation problem - #2739: Synchronization Accounts console command return MySQL error 1.53.3 - (15.09.2021) - #2691: Sync users from 1C system - #2697: Remove functionality for reload page after removing milestone - #2655: Supervisor errors 1.53.2 - (02.09.2021) - #2595: Assign PMO and Dept. Coordinators with the proper roles in the system - #2606: QA Report 500 error after saving with links - #2607: Problems with migrations after deploy - #2608: QA Report > URL Validation problem - #2612: Add ability to show all departments for admin user - #2613: Assign users on departments - #2621: Fix issues of DB migration process - #2623: DEV. The same text has different presentation in Dashboard > Quality Status and Project > Quality Status Report - #2642: DEV. Project > Name of the project > PMP > Communication - #2645: DEV. Project > Name of the project > PMP > Project Overview - #2631: TEX status sync with PM TOOL 1.53.1 - (25.08.2021) - #2595: Assign PMO and Dept. Coordinators with the proper roles in the system 1.53 - (23.08.2021) - #1148: Change our permissions and roles - #2429: Add 'Project team' input field to 'Edit project' section - #2185: All milestones - Filters - SPM - #2088: Users can delete projects - #2057: Bugs after regression - #1282: Wrong value for 'Project code' and 'Project state' after Reset filter - #1953: Dashboard - Quality Status - Filters - Reported on or later - #1945: Dashboard - AM Status - Filters - Reported on or later - #1944: Dashboard - Detailed Overview - Filters - Reported on or later 1.52.3 - (13.07.2021) - #2233: User Story 2233: Copy reports from OLD_ETS & BPA to ETS (TEMPORARY CHANGES) - #2327: Accounts -> All Accounts -> AM column. Duplicates AMs 1.52.2 - (10.06.2021) - #2088: removed ability for users delete projects - #2106: update node version from 6.10.3 to node:14.10.1-alpine3.11 for PMTOOL_HOTFIX 1.52.1 - (05.03.2021) - #1210: Add filter "Department" - #1211: Enabled saving for Account filter - #1213: Without SPM" & Add new filters "Without TM" & "Without AM 1.52.0 - (15.12.2020) - #300: Create API for integration of PM TOOL with other services - #555: Create API structure - #630: Group data for projects API 1.51.0 - (27.11.2020) - #802: Logging for Kibana - #748: AM dashboard filter - #820: Notifications doesn't work - #991: Create Supervisor configuration for successfully notifications - #731: Teams communication channel - #951: Milestone name doesn't shows correctly - #644: Project resourcing disabled users 1.33 - (08.08.2019) [PT-613] - Fixed selection of internal/external types of risks in QA report. [PT-614] - Fixed bugs with hidden risks in QA report and main report. 1.32 - (15.07.2019) [PT-612] - Changed project type from ODC to ODT. 1.31.2 - (15.07.2019) Hotfix - Fixed editable date of milestone in report. 1.31.1 - (09.07.2019) [PT-610] - Fixed a milestone date on report. SPM users support. 1.31 - (24.06.2019) [PT-608] - Fixed align of "Show Hidden" сheckbox [PT-609] - Fixed typos in Category - (13.06.2019) Hotfix - Fixed Risk/Milestone snapshots in reports 1.30.9 - (03.06.2019) Hotfix - Refactored prev/next report functionality 1.30.8 - (31.05.2019) Hotfix - Deleted the command that creates a backup of files during deployment, added the command to create a backup of .env 1.30.7 - (31.05.2019) Hotfix - Fixed links in 'New Milestone' and 'New Risk' email notifications 1.30.6 - (31.05.2019) Hotfix - Fixed envoy.blade 1.30.5 - (31.05.2019) Hotfix - Fixed envoy.blade 1.30.4 - (31.05.2019) Hotfix - Fixed milestone date editing 1.30.3 - (28.05.2019) Hotfix - Fixed code quality issue 1.30.2 - (27.05.2019) Hotfix - Fixed side-menu transition, fixed 'markdown-js' plugin in PMP export view 1.30.1 - (24.05.2019) Hotfix - Updated laravel PDF generator package 1.30 - (24.05.2019) [PT-605] - Еhe problem of converting decimals to int [PT-603] - Add "Special programs applied" functionality to projects [PT-600] - Add export of PMP to PDF file 1.29.3 - (07.05.2019) Hotfix - Fixed order of reports for 'previous', 'next' buttons 1.29.2 - (23.04.2019) Hotfix - Fixed 'previous', 'next' report buttons styles 1.29.1 - (23.04.2019) Hotfix - Fixed release 1.29 1.29 - (19.04.2019) [PT-599] - Made all links with project guid human-readable 1.28 - (16.04.2019) [PT-596] - Add possibility to move to prev/next report from view modal. [PT-597] - Export dashboard (add quality second opinion) [PT-598] - Export Quality Dashboard [PT-601] - Make reminder send only 1 mail with all important info 1.27.4 - (12.04.2019) Hotfix - Deleted ask of permission from login page 1.27.3 - (10.04.2019) Hotfix - Added ask of permission for in-browser notification on all pages 1.27.2 - (10.04.2019) Hotfix - Another fix for 'No Architects' 1.27.1 - (10.04.2019) Hotfix - Fixed 'No Architects' bug case 1.27 - (10.04.2019) [PT-583, PT-595] -Create reminders to notify reporters [PT-578] - Add possibility to set Architects field as "No Architects" 1.26.3 - (08.04.2019) Hotfix - Fixed GA tracking 1.26.2 - (03.04.2019) Hotfix - Added GA tracking 1.26.1 - (26.03.2019) Hotfix - Deleted float to integer conversion for 'Approved team' in report export to docx 1.26 - (19.03.2019) Release [PT-586] - Update foreign keys in database. 1.25.9 - (12.03.2019) Hotfix [PT-592] - Added status trend to qa report modal [PT-594] - Increased symbol limits in PMP > Information security fields 1.25.8 - (12.03.2019) Hotfix - Composer dependencies have been updated 1.25.7 - (05.03.2019) Hotfix - Fix validation of approved team field. 1.25.6 - (08.02.2019) Hotfix - Update of composer dependencies 1.25.5 - (06.02.2019) Hotfix - Removed checkAccessTokenApi middleware from Api routes 1.25.4 - (05.01.2019) Hotfix - Added custom OData writer to make it possible to reply with json on header 'Accept: application/json' 1.25.3 - (30.01.2019) Hotfix - Fixed sync of risks 1.25.2 - (30.01.2019) Hotfix - Logging of api access has been added 1.25.1 - (28.01.2019) Hotfix - The problem with PMP project overview layouts in Safari has been fixed 1.25 - (21.01.2019) Tasks [PT-584] - Budget displaying has been added to dashboard [PT-585] - "Risks and Issues" titles have been fixed [PT-588] - Sharing report feature has been fixed [PT-589] - "Internal risks" section has been added to QA report [PT-590] - Excluded deleted users from "Initiate discussion" CC 1.24.7 - (11.01.2019) Hotfix - Fixed "Reset filters" button - Fixed "Business Critical" filter on "Risks Dashboard" 1.24.6 - (11.01.2019) Hotfix - Problem with "Additional info" on Dashboard has been fixed - Selection logic of "Top 5 risks" has been fixed - Filters on "Risk Dashboard" and on "Risk register" have been fixed - Hid "Project Filters" from "Risk Dashboard" page - Fixed "Business critical" filter 1.24.5 - (10.01.2019) Hotfix - The problem with JS occurred from the lack of firebase browser support has been fixed 1.24.4 - (09.01.2019) Hotfix - Styles of 'Risks Overview' page have been fixed 1.24.3 - (08.01.2019) Hotfix - Risk selection at "Risk Overview" page has been fixed 1.24.2 - (08.01.2019) Hotfix - Information block has been added to "Notifications" page 1.24.1 - (08.01.2019) Hotfix - Fixed Risks validation 1.24 - (04.01.2019) Tasks [PT-554] - In-browser notifications are added [PT-563] - A possibility to subscribe on 'New milestone' and 'New Risk' notifications has been added [PT-569] - "General status trend changing" trigger has been added [PT-571] - Risk Overview page has been added 1.23.1 - (24.12.2018) Hotfix - Improvements to scheduled database backups. 1.23 - (11.12.2018) Tasks [PT-561] - Possibility to choose people in 'CC' field of 'Initiate Discussion' among all Sigma's workers has been added [PT-567] - 'Initiate discussion' button has been added to report overview [PT-568] - Risk register's 'high' and 'average' exposure is now of different colors. [PT-570] - New filters ('impact', 'probability', 'category') have been added to Risk Register [PT-553] - Hide create/edit button on Status Report page for Reporter 1.22.4 - (10.12.2018) Hotfix - Closed possibility for unauthorised access to project's Risks and overview page 1.22.3 - (22.11.2018) Hotfix - Recalculated has_pmp 1.22.2 - (21.11.2018) Hotfix - Recalculated trends 1.22.1 - (21.11.2018) Hotfix - Refactored again all trends in the project 1.22 - (20.11.2018) Tasks [PT-556] - Possibility to manage people in 'CC' field of 'Initiate Discussion' form has been added [PT-557] - The filter 'Only with changing status' has been fixed and renamed to 'Only with changing trend' [PT-559] - 'calculateTrend' function has been refactored 1.21.7 - (12.11.2018) Hotfix - Fixed 'Allocated Team' validation 1.21.6 - (06.11.2018) Hotfix - Fixed/added trends to all types of reports both on dashboard and project page. 1.21.5 - (01.11.2018) Hotfix - Availability to share reports is tested and fixed for all types of user permissions. 1.21.4 - (01.11.2018) Hotfix - QA Reports for test-managers is now visible. 1.21.2 - (30.10.2018) Hotfix - Access to 'Configuration' is now available for all roles and it leads to "Notifications" submenu. 1.21.1 - (30.10.2018) Hotfix - Fixed invalid css color value 1.21 - (29.10.2018) Tasks [PT-185] - Initiate Report Discussion [PT-540] - Send notification about new report is created [PT-545] - Make it possible to share report to users that do not have access to project [PT-547] - Add links to knowledge base 1.20.9 (21.10.2018) - Fixes in export of report to word 1.20.8 (12.10.2018) - Updates caused by changes in the sigma user module. 1.20.7 - (08.10.2018) Bug [PT-549] - Fix of saving of the budget status color at report page 1.20.6 - (19.09.2018) Bug [PT-544] - Chrome: Fix bug with dropdowns on the Overview project page. 1.20.5 - (17.09.2018) Fixed updating risk from QA report. 1.20.4 - (17.09.2018) Task [PT-542] - Add possibility to enter decimal fractional number in Status Report. Bug [PT-543] - Created from QA report risk is hidden after page reload. 1.20.3 - (12.09.2018) Story Add header if API response 401 code 1.20.2 - (12.09.2018) Story Add header if API response 401 code 1.20.1 - (06.09.2018) Story [PT-538] - Add the custom title to the project repositories 1.20 - (05.09.2018) Story [PT-537] - Investigate and setup sentry IO to PMTOOL [PT-530] - Create new roles to view all projects 1.19 - (03.09.2018) Story Change name "Quality Management Plan" Fix bug in Quality view 1.17 - (09.08.2018) Story PM TOOL API - Support ODATA protocol. 1.16 - (12.07.2018) Story [PT-308] - ODC Budget Section [PT-531] - Add search by project code [PT-532] - Too many requests to database on dashboard 1.15.3 - (4.07.2018) Bug [PT-534] - Fix sortings in PMTOOL tables. 1.15.2 - (29.06.2018) Story [PT-533] - Remove timeline option from "Schedule management practices used" Bug [PT-528] - As a test manager on a project I should not see PMP section [PT-529] - Load project repositories on backend side, not by ajax call 1.15.1 - (27.06.2018) Fix AJAX error. 1.15 - (27.06.2018) Story [PT-305] - Choose which section to display on the report form [PT-306] - Inherit previous report structure in the new report [PT-307] - Required Report Sections [PT-323] - Project Overview section in PMP [PT-324] - Project organization section in PMP [PT-325] - Budget section in PMP [PT-326] - Schedule section in PMP [PT-328] - Resourcing section in PMP [PT-329] - Communications section in PMP [PT-330] - Requirements section in PMP [PT-331] - Software development methodology section in PMP [PT-332] - Acceptance section in PMP [PT-333] - Configuration section in PMP [PT-334] - Technical debt section in PMP [PT-335] - Quality section in PMP [PT-336] - Information Security section in PMP [PT-337] - Subcontract section in PMP [PT-339] - Technical section in PMP [PT-340] - Risks and Issues section in PMP [PT-364] - Add links to Quality Status Report [PT-466] - Cover PMP section with Integration tests [PT-499] - Minor PMP improvements [PT-509] - Create PMTOOL Settings page [PT-511] - Change schedule time for sync projects command Task [PT-492] - Prepare PMP epic for release Bug [PT-459] - Fix multiple selects to make them save multiple items. [PT-460] - Technical Excellence form doesn't work. [PT-462] - Can't create Project stakeholders, if project overview not exist [PT-485] - Can't save project overview if Date end is chosen [PT-487] - Communications section returns 500. [PT-488] - Redirect to PMP sections [PT-515] - Fix migrations in PMP [PT-524] - PMP improvements 1.14.2 - (21.06.2018) Story [PT-512] - PM TOOL API updates. 1.14.1 - (16.06.2018) Story [PT-510] - Add possibility to remove filter by "Reported on or later..". 1.14 - (15.06.2018) Story [PT-448] - Create REST API module [PT-465] - Cover /api/projects with Integration tests [PT-498] - Fix failed tests [PT-501] - Calendar should start from Monday as the first week day. [PT-502] - Add Authorization to API module. [PT-506] - Add action "Edit latest report" on dashboard [PT-507] - Add filter by date on dashboards [PT-508] - Response strategy in risk table Bug [PT-430] - Better formatting of logs [PT-504] - Latest report is downloaded as zipper file (Firefox) 1.13 - (07.06.2018) Story [PT-377] - All project code links lead to the project page [PT-447] - Add browser caching for js/css files Bug [PT-440] - No color for closed risks [PT-463] - Nearest milestone is not calculating properly [PT-467] - Make possible to select Milestone state on Create Milestone [PT-484] - Do not update department field when sync projects if department field is already set in DB [PT-486] - On Risk View wrong Response Strategy [PT-489] - In project details make edit button disabled before page is loaded. [PT-490] - Status report link is not visible for PM, DM, AM on Project overview side menu [PT-491] - Duplicating of risks 1.12 - (25.05.2018) Story [PT-446] - Add "Download latest report to Word" action button on dashboard page [PT-449] - Create a new role "Moderator" Bug [PT-432] - Add architect field to Project [PT-434] - Sorting on Dashboards [PT-453] - Investigate and fix popup issue [PT-456] - Make it possible to copy text on dashboard when project is expanded. [PT-461] - Display Sync Projects button only for administrators 1.11.2 - (21.05.2018) Bug [PT-452] - Constraints field is not filled. [PT-454] - Decrease empty space on qa report. [PT-451] - Add expand button to QA Dashboard as on Dashboard. 1.11.1 - (14.05.2018) Update deployment configuration. 1.11 - (14.05.2018) Story [PT-61] - Create test users with different roles on stage env. [PT-374] - Project Overview. [PT-411] - Add Scope section. [PT-412] - Development. [PT-413] - Integration tests. [PT-415] - 360 Overview PoC: Create dashboard page. [PT-421] - Status Reports page in Projects. [PT-422] - QA Report page in Projects. [PT-423] - Milestones page in Projects. [PT-424] - Risks page in Projects. [PT-425] - Project Details page in Projects. [PT-435] - UI improvements. [PT-438] - Add scroll to textareas. Task [PT-376] - Configuration menu item. [PT-410] - Refactoring the integration tests. [PT-436] - Fixes for 360 project view. Bug [PT-426] - Fix iChecks behavior in filters. [PT-429] - Cannot share QA report. [PT-439] - Datepicker is not clickable. 1.10.6 - (23.04.2018) Fix department on Edit project page. 1.10.5 - (13.04.2018) Renamed QA Dashboard to Quality Dashboard. 1.10.4 - (13.04.2018) Task [PT-428] - Rename "QA Report" to "Quality Status Report". Bug [PT-433] - Cannot save risk with large response plan. 1.10.3 - (05.04.2018) Bug [PT-419] - Save report button does not work in IE. 1.10.2 - (03.04.2018) Bug [PT-417] - Investigate: after adding a milestone, report cannot be saved. 1.10.1 - (03.04.2018) Bug [PT-416] - Disable save button on submit report form. Task [PT-414] - On deploy for storage folder should be set read-write rights. 1.10 - (29.03.2018) Story [PT-205] - Add hidden risks to status report [PT-279] - Hide Milestones [PT-280] - Show hidden milestone to report [PT-317] - Risks Categorization [PT-341] - Hide from report new/edit form [PT-342] - Update sync functionality (hidden milestones should not be added to the list) [PT-343] - Update "View" report and "docx document" [PT-344] - Testing [PT-345] - Development [PT-346] - Testing [PT-351] - Assign test manager as D004 DM [PT-363] - Refactoring the functional for milestones [PT-368] - Hide milestones from 'all milestones' page [PT-371] - Hide Risks from Quality Status Report [PT-391] - Update laravel to 5.6 [PT-399] - Add "share QA Report" links to QA Reports storage and QA Dashboard [PT-400] - Investigate: Expose logs from production [PT-401] - UI/UX small imrovements [PT-403] - Increase user session lifetime [PT-405] - Collect code coverage [PT-406] - Increase code coverage to 60% [PT-409] - UI Improvements Task [PT-367] - Cover Quality Status Reports with Integration tests [PT-397] - Close access to routes [PT-404] - Add possibility to assign multiple roles to the user [PT-408] - Release 1.10 Bug [PT-378] - Bugs on the all milestones page [PT-394] - Fix deployment to stage [PT-396] - Reporters should not be able to create QA Reports [PT-398] - Sort by status on Dashboards [PT-402] - Too many database requests on risk register page [PT-407] - Fix failed tests 1.9.1 - (05.03.2018) 1.9 - (01.03.2018) Story [PT-163] - Hide risks from status report [PT-350] - Assign test manager [PT-352] - See all Quality status reports [PT-353] - Create a Quality Status report [PT-354] - Edit or Delete only the latest Quality status report [PT-355] - Quality Dashboard [PT-356] - Quality Status Reports numbering [PT-359] - Add client/backed side validation when create/update milestone on report page [PT-365] - Show "Quality Second Opinion" column on Dashboard [PT-370] - Add Risks to Quality Status Report [PT-379] - Make sure permissions are correct for QA Reports [PT-388] - Improvements for QA Reports [PT-389] - Add possibility to View Qa report [PT-390] - Improvements to qa reports [PT-392] - QA reports date range filter is not working Bug [PT-385] - Share link does not work when project is not available in table [PT-393] - Review risk creation flow 1.8.1 - (14.02.2018) Fix share link. Fix filters. 1.8 - (13.02.2018) Story [PT-174] - Seamless Date From/To filter [PT-179] - Highlight day if report already created for this date in report datepickers [PT-198] - Deep links to Read Report Task [PT-278] - Duplicate form actions on top of new/edit Report form [PT-288] - View Risk Bug [PT-160] - Investigate: Too many requests after resetting filters. [PT-361] - Handle expired session [PT-362] - Disable /login page on production [PT-380] - Too many database queries on Dashboard [PT-381] - The problem with textareas resizing. [PT-383] - Redirect if CSRF token not exist [PT-384] - Reset button is available for reports storage 1.7.2 - (17.01.2018) Fix exposure of the risks. 1.7.1 - (17.01.2018) Generating excel file fix. 1.7.0 - (15.01.2018) Task [PT-322] - Show first project in Report Storage if any project selected on other pages Story [PT-357] - Highlight current date in calendar controls [PT-360] - Do not update reporter field when updating already existed report [PT-117] - Exposure trend [PT-127] - Export Dashboard to Excel [PT-287] - Setup PHP tests on CI [PT-289] - Check Update milestone from report - Updated data is visible in the report (Positive) [PT-290] - Check Update milestone from report - Milestone is updated in DB after report is saved (Positive) [PT-291] - Check Update external risk from report - Risk number is the same (Positive) [PT-292] - Check Update external risk from report - Risk is external (Positive) [PT-293] - Check Update external risk from report - Risk project code the same as the report's (Positive) [PT-294] - Check Update external risk from report - Risk details are the same as entered (Positive) [PT-295] - Check Update external risk from report - Updated data is visible in the report (Positive) [PT-296] - Check Update external risk from report - Risk is updated in DB (Positive) [PT-297] - Check Update internal risk from report - Risk number is the same (Positive) [PT-298] - Check Update internal risk from report - Risk is internal (Positive) [PT-299] - Check Update internal risk from report - Risk project code the same as the report's (Positive) [PT-300] - Check Update internal risk from report - Risk details are the same as entered (Positive) [PT-301] - Check Update internal risk from report - Updated data is visible in the report (Positive) [PT-302] - Check Update internal risk from report - Risk is updated in DB (Positive) [PT-303] - Check Remove milestone from report - Milestone is not visible on the report form (Positive) [PT-304] - Check Remove milestone from report - Milestone is removed from DB after report is saved (Positive) [PT-358] - Improve error handling [PT-318] - Edit excel file 1.6.9 - (12.01.2018) Story [PT-349] - Risk state 1.6.5 - (29.12.2017) Risk exposure fix 1.6.4 - (29.12.2017) Edit risks fix 1.6.3 - (28.12.2017) Added Budget option to Affected Area in risks 1.6.2 - (27.12.2017) Remove duplicated AM from dashboard. 1.6.1 - (26.12.2017) Rollback feature with permissions. 1.6.0 - (26.12.2017) Bug [PT-14] - Filter header may break layout if there are too many filters selected [PT-133] - Warn a user about creating a report dated earlier than existing reports [PT-275] - Fix search in user dropdown [PT-276] - Do not allow user to edit previous reports. [PT-321] - Layout issues Story [PT-169] - Last Report Date indicator [PT-142] - No trend at color indicators to show if this there were no previous values [PT-320] - Risk does not open when click to risk number [PT-284] - Add information about AM to dashboard for each project [PT-285] - Rearrange fields on edit project view [PT-286] - Make height the same for all the tables. 1.5.3 - (15.12.2017) Add report button fix. 1.5.2 - (14.12.2017) Risk view fix. 1.5.1 - (14.12.2017) Change email for customers feedback in footer. 1.5.0 - (11.12.2017) Bug [PT-263] - In modals searches for projects in select2 not working [PT-264] - Incorrect icons layout on risks table [PT-265] - Exposure with "Low" status don't display color in report preview [PT-266] - Dashboard is inactive after deleting report from popup [PT-270] - Two Closed in Project State Story [PT-53] - Status Reports default dates filtering [PT-126] - Additional actions on Dashboard [PT-184] - Create simple test that tests migrations and seeds [PT-196] - Risk visibility filter [PT-197] - Risk exposure filter [PT-199] - Escalated Risks Filter [PT-267] - Add "moderator" role [PT-268] - Add more info to project edit view. 1.4.0 - (04.12.2017) Bug [PT-75] - Default permissions to projects for PMs, DMs and AMs [PT-214] - Responsible for risk is changed, when edit risk [PT-216] - Wrong filter by project code when trying to create status report from dashboard but cancel it [PT-217] - No tooltips on projects from not 1st page after table sorting [PT-261] - Minor bugs [PT-262] - Change url and title for main menu. 1.3.1 - (01.12.2017) Bug [PT-215] - Permissions for the risks page 1.3.0 - (01.12.2017) Story [PT-144] - Create Blank Report [PT-208] - Report Number in Exported Report (Word) Task [PT-189] - Adjust View Report [PT-212] - Switch location of TEX and Team Status on View Report Form [PT-213] - Reorganize Navigation Bug [PT-207] - Minor improvements [PT-209] - Wrong project code filter after creating report from Dashboard [PT-210] - Unnecessary decimal signs under budget indicator on Dashboard [PT-211] - Risks duplication when change visibility 1.2.0 - (29.11.2017) Story [PT-21] - Internal Section in Report form [PT-64] - Highlight current active menu item [PT-98] - See "last updated" and "updated by" when edit project [PT-116] - Risk Register [PT-120] - Fix permissions for milestones [PT-124] - Unified Filters [PT-125] - Business critical projects [PT-146] - Numerate Status Report [PT-175] - Filter dashboard by last report date [PT-187] - Risks list [PT-200] - Sync risks Task [PT-20] - Risk and Issues section in editing Report view [PT-186] - Default values for risk fields [PT-190] - Move action buttons on Edit/New forms to RIGHT [PT-191] - Expand/Collapse rows on dashboard by clicking on row, instead of ">" sign [PT-193] - Make all links as links, instead of BOLD text [PT-204] - Make report number instead of Report date as a link to the report view Bug [PT-110] - Sorting tables by dates [PT-128] - Redirecting to wrong reports list when adding report from dashboard [PT-132] - Date format is not the same as throughout the solution on Dashboard [PT-137] - Inconsistent coloring [PT-164] - Cell margin in exported report [PT-166] - Impossible to filter inactive projects by their codes on Projects page [PT-167] - Wrong label "Project Status" instead of "Project State" [PT-168] - Only with status reports filter [PT-170] - Action buttons layout is broken on Status Reports Page [PT-171] - Save symbol is not common when edit milestone from Report [PT-172] - Two options "Closed" in Project State filter [PT-173] - After sorting dahsboard no tooltip popups are shown [PT-177] - TEX Portal link validation does not pass internal URLs [PT-182] - Action buttons move to the middle of cell when expanding a row on Dashboard [PT-183] - Blank report pre-fills budget fields with "0.00", they should be empty [PT-188] - Add risks to the reports document exporter [PT-194] - Escalate parameter not saves when you create/change risks [PT-195] - Project not changes when you edit risks [PT-201] - Dashboard table column width changes unexpectedly when expanding/collapsing certain rows [PT-202] - Dummy risks on report view form [PT-203] - Dashboard row expands when clicking on action buttons or links [PT-206] - Risks to documents download from risks table, not from risk snapshots 1.1.0 - (21.11.2017) Story [PT-32] - Project code opens the latest report (view pop-up) [PT-105] - Create Report template in .docx format [PT-134] - Short Status Summary (Twitter Status) counter [PT-138] - Display units of measure in Budget Section [PT-141] - Change columns order in Reports list [PT-143] - Not copy trend value from previous report when create a new one [PT-145] - Custom name for Projects to use in exported reports [PT-148] - Status Report Fields Location [PT-151] - Add position and department columns to "permissions" page [PT-153] - Default file name when export report [PT-154] - Disabled actions on Dashboard [PT-155] - Download Report Task [PT-149] - Rename Status and State Fields [PT-150] - Rename Short Summary Status to Twitter Status Bug [PT-130] - Not open Edit Project pop-up by clicking on project code [PT-131] - Wrong Report Date is taken as basis for dashboard [PT-135] - When saving report you should click twice to see that required fields are empty [PT-136] - See project code of the report I edit or create for [PT-139] - Status Description filed scroll [PT-152] - Add sigma logo to public/images [PT-156] - Normal mouse pointer on Report View instead of the restrictive sign that appears now [PT-157] - Bug with downloading some report documents [PT-159] - Reports not saving [PT-161] - JS error 1.0 - http://vm-pmtool-pm.ipa.dev.sigmaukraine.com:8080/browse/PT-104 - http://vm-pmtool-pm.ipa.dev.sigmaukraine.com:8080/browse/PT-108 - http://vm-pmtool-pm.ipa.dev.sigmaukraine.com:8080/browse/PT-102 - http://vm-pmtool-pm.ipa.dev.sigmaukraine.com:8080/browse/PT-101 - http://vm-pmtool-pm.ipa.dev.sigmaukraine.com:8080/browse/PT-100 - http://vm-pmtool-pm.ipa.dev.sigmaukraine.com:8080/browse/PT-28 - http://vm-pmtool-pm.ipa.dev.sigmaukraine.com:8080/browse/PT-96 - http://vm-pmtool-pm.ipa.dev.sigmaukraine.com:8080/browse/PT-99 - http://vm-pmtool-pm.ipa.dev.sigmaukraine.com:8080/browse/PT-80 - http://vm-pmtool-pm.ipa.dev.sigmaukraine.com:8080/browse/PT-93 - http://vm-pmtool-pm.ipa.dev.sigmaukraine.com:8080/browse/PT-82 - Project Dashboard - Projects - Reports - Milestones - Authorization